
‘We do Not Want The Name Mohammed to Become The Most Popular Name For Male Newborns in Our Great Countries’: Austrian MEP Vilimsky Blasts Current Conservative Leadership at CPAC Hungary

Apr 29, 2024

At CPAC Hungary, MEP Harald Vilimsky voiced strong opposition to what he perceives as the betrayal of conservative values by leaders in Austria and the U.S., emphasizing the importance of preserving European cultural identity.

By yourNEWS Media Newsroom

During a speech at CPAC Hungary, Austrian MEP Harald Vilimsky, representing the Freedom Party (FPÖ), expressed strong criticism of current conservative leaders, accusing them of abandoning traditional values in favor of globalism and international cooperation. Vilimsky’s remarks underscored a deep divide within conservative ranks, highlighted by his rebuke of Austrian and American politicians he labeled as “Republicans in name only” or RINOs.

Vilimsky argued that these leaders are compromising cultural heritage and the very identity of their nations. He used Austria as an example, where the conservative ruling party has adopted policies such as recognizing multiple gender identities, which he claimed reflects a departure from true conservative principles.

The MEP’s comments came during an event aimed at strengthening ties among Europe’s conservative and right-wing parties, advocating for stricter controls on immigration and the preservation of Europe’s Christian Western heritage. Vilimsky specifically pointed to the immigration policies that have, according to him, facilitated terrorism within Europe and eroded civil liberties under the guise of combating terrorism.

Vilimsky praised Hungary’s approach under Prime Minister Viktor Orbán for its staunch stance against mass immigration, contrasting it with other European nations that have faced security issues linked to their immigration policies. He cited numerous terrorist attacks across Europe as consequences of flawed immigration and asylum practices, suggesting that these policies pose significant risks to national security and cultural integrity.

Furthermore, Vilimsky called for unity among patriotic and conservative parties across Europe to protect the continent’s diverse cultures and cities from what he sees as the threats of excessive immigration and globalist policies. He emphasized the need for policies that ensure countries like Hungary, Austria, and others maintain their unique national identities.

In addition to his focus on immigration and cultural preservation, Vilimsky also expressed his desire for peace in the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, advocating for ceasefire and peace talks, marking a clear stance on one of the most pressing geopolitical issues facing Europe today.

This speech reflects the broader ideological battle within conservative circles about the direction of policy and leadership, as parties like the FPÖ seek to realign conservative politics with what they consider its core values and priorities.

Posted by yourNEWS

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